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王敏1, 邱明1, 汪洁琼*1, 彭英2
生态系统服务的研究正经历着从解析机理到供需匹配的侧重点迁移,研究指出文化性生态系统服务的供需特征表现为4个方面:1)受服务人群的影响;2)兼具非排他性与潜在竞争性;3)各类型之间具有明显的融合性;4)与空间要素密切相关。针对已有的研究存在供需关联薄弱和整体评测不足的短板,研究以场地尺度的城市滨水空间为对象,提出重要性—绩效表现分析(Importance-Performance Analysis,简称IPA)可以成为测度和分析文化性生态系统服务供需状况的有效方法。选取上海苏州河4处滨水空间,从景观要素特征因子识别出发,基于IPA构建特征因子的重要性—满意度分布模型,分析滨水空间文化性生态系统服务供需特征,通过对需求的回应,明确优化有效服务供给的策略,从而为城市滨水空间存量更新与规划设计提供可行有效的技术支持以及可操作、可落地的决策依据。
关键词:  风景园林  文化性生态系统服务  供需关系,重要性—绩效表现分析(IPA)  城市滨水空间  上海苏州河
基金项目:国家重点研发计划课题(编号 2017YFC0505705);高密度人居环境生态与节能教育部重点实验室(同济大学)开放课题(编号 2019010311、2019010309);同济大学2018—2019年研究生教育改革与研究项目子项目(编号 0100106057/003)
The Supply-demand Relation Analysis and Improvements Based on Importance-Performance Analysis of Cultural Ecosystem Services in Waterfront Areas Along the Suzhou Creek in Shanghai
WANG Min1, QIU Ming1, WANG Jieqiong*1, PENG Ying2
1.Tongji University;2.the Department of Design Management of East Region Real Estate Company of Gemdale Group
The focus of ecosystem services research has been shifted from explaining the internal mechanism of supply-demand balance to matching supply and demand of services. This paper points out four aspects of the supply and demand characteristics of cultural ecosystem services (CES), which are 1) the influence of served people, 2) the nonexcludability and potential competitiveness, 3) a clear integration between various types, and 4) a close relation with spatial elements. Since the literature has showed that there was a weak relation between supply and demand and insufficient provision of overall evaluation methods, this paper focuses on waterfront spaces at a site scale, proposing that the Importance-Performance Analysis (IPA) could serve as an effective approach to measure and analyze the supply and demand of CES. It selects four waterfront spaces along the Suzhou Creek in Shanghai for the case studies. Starting from the identification of the characteristic factors of landscape elements, it analyzes the supply and demand characteristics of cultural ecosystem services at waterfront spaces based on the importance-performance distribution. In response to demands, it clarifies the strategies for effectively improving the service supply, thus providing feasible and effective technical support and operable decision-making basis for the upgrading, planning and design of urban waterfront inventory spaces.
Key words:  landscape architecture  cultural ecosystem services  supply-demand relation  Importance-Performance Analysis (IPA)  urban waterfront space  Suzhou Creek in Shanghai
WANG Min,QIU Ming,WANG Jieqiong*,PENG Ying.The Supply-demand Relation Analysis and Improvements Based on Importance-Performance Analysis of Cultural Ecosystem Services in Waterfront Areas Along the Suzhou Creek in Shanghai[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2019, 26(10):107-112.