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文化景观维护视野下德国历史性文化景观的两种方法论: 清单盘点与空间区划
著:(德)温弗里德·申克1, 著:孔洞一1, 译:阮慧婷2, 校:李梦一欣3
中欧国家当前面临诸多发展问题,诸如地区差异化、农业土地面积矛盾加剧、高密度区域土壤退化及多样性丧失等,引发了学术界的关注。从20世纪90年代开始,德语背景下的 “文化景观维护”概念建立。利用历史地理学、考古学与遗产保护学以及空间与区域规划等学科的综合方法,对国土和区域空间内的文化景观进行分析和研究。文化景观维护概念以“永恒的圆环”理论模型体现,并分为分析与评价、保护与阐释、规划与管理3个主要步骤。基于此基本概念,文化景观维护大致分为2个研究方法范本:清单盘点与空间区划。范本一:历史性文化景观的对象清单盘点,就是对一定的限定区域内的文化景观要素和结构的系统化收集分类和评价方法。又分两种不同类型: Gunzelmann的复杂型“历史性文化景观”的分析法与Burggraaff和Kleefeld的 “文化景观物质分析”法。范本二:文化景观的区域化,旨在从专家角度对历史性文化景观进行标记、注释、分类和简要的特征化。又细分为类型化和个性化2个类型,并结合案例说明。最后指出:对两种研究方法的应用,不仅要客观地分析各种因素,而且还要考证在特定政治背景下的适用性。
关键词:  风景园林  清单盘点  空间区划  历史性文化景观  文化景观维护  文化景观要素与结构
Inventories and Regionalization of Historical Cultural Landscapes in Germany in the Context of Cultural Landscape Conservation
Authors: (DEU) Winfried Schenk1, Authors:KONG Dongyi1, Translator: RUAN Huiting2, Proofreader: LI Mengyixin3
1.University of Bonn;2.Leibniz University Hannover;3.Beijing University of City Engineering and Architecture
At present, various development issues faced by Central European countries has drawn academic attention, such as regional differentiation, increased conflicts in agricultural land areas, soil degradation, and loss of diversity in high density areas. Since the beginning of the 1990s, the concept of “cultural landscape conservation” was established in Germany. It is applied to analyze and study the cultural landscape in the land and regional space with the synthetic approaches of historical geography, archaeology and heritage conservation, and spatial and regional planning. The concept of cultural landscape conservation is embodied in the theoretical model of “infinite loop”, and includes three main steps: analysis and evaluation, protection and interpretation, planning and management. Based on this basic concept, the cultural landscape conservation could be specifically explained as two models of methodology. Model 1: Inventories of historical cultural landscapes. It’s a systematic method of collection and evaluation for the cultural landscape elements and structures within a certain limited area. This model is further divided into two types: the analytical approach of complex “historical cultural landscape” proposed by Gunzelmanns and the “cultural landscape material analysis method” proposed by Burggraaff and Kleefeld. Model 2: Regionalization of cultural landscapes, which is to mark, annotate, classify and briefly characterize historical cultural landscapes from experts’ perspectives. This model is segmented into two analytical methods: typification and individualization, illustrated with cases. Finally, for the application of the two methods, this paper proposes that it is necessary to objectively analyze various factors, and examine the applicability in a particular political context.
Key words:  landscape architecture  inventories  regionalization  historical cultural landscape  cultural landscape conservation  cultural landscape elements and structures
引用本文:著:(德)温弗里德·申克,著:孔洞一,译:阮慧婷,校:李梦一欣.文化景观维护视野下德国历史性文化景观的两种方法论: 清单盘点与空间区划[J].风景园林,2019,26(12):41-51.
Authors: (DEU) Winfried Schenk,Authors:KONG Dongyi,Translator: RUAN Huiting,Proofreader: LI Mengyixin.Inventories and Regionalization of Historical Cultural Landscapes in Germany in the Context of Cultural Landscape Conservation[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2019, 26(12):41-51.