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吴潇, 李鑫, 赵炜*
关键词:  风景园林  文本挖掘  关中地区  人文景观  唐诗
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(编号 51708322,51878558);中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金(编号 YJ201932)
Research on Cultural Landscape Patterns of Guanzhong Area Based on Text Mining of Tang Poetry
WU Xiao, LI Xin, ZHAO Wei*
Sichuan University
As the earliest “land of abundance” in Chinese history, the Guanzhong area boasts rich natural and human resources and unique cultural landscape patterns. This paper chooses nearly 400 poems of Tang Dynasty which describe the styles and features of Guanzhong. Using text mining technology and visualized analysis, it separates the Guanzhong area into five types of landscape space, characterized as The Old Capital of Chang’an, Temporary Imperial Palace, Favorable Landscape, Idyllic Sight and Great Pass Relics. It further analyzes the emotional characteristics of the cultural landscape, the distribution characteristics of landscape space, and the network characteristics of spatial semantics. The results show that the lexical meanings of different types of landscape space have obvious similarity characteristics. The Guanzhong area has formed the landscape color distribution pattern dominated by green, white, blue and red. Cultural landscape emotion has manifested obvious spatial differentiation in the area.
Key words:  landscape architecture  text mining  Guanzhong area  cultural landscape  Tang poetry
WU Xiao,LI Xin,ZHAO Wei*.Research on Cultural Landscape Patterns of Guanzhong Area Based on Text Mining of Tang Poetry[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2019, 26(12):52-57.