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黄邓楷, 王国光*, 陈芷筠
现有基于地点的校园环境安全研究主要以客观的案件数据为研究对象,未能揭示学生安全感与特定地点环境因素的内在联系。利用Maptionnaire问卷平台,以广州大学城为例,通过公众参与地理信息系统分析学生对校园交通、事故和人身财产方面的环境安全感评价及其空间分布。研究发现学生整体安全感评价较低,评价低的地点集中在高校周边公园绿地、城中村、体育场馆,评价高的地点主要位于高校用地范围内。结合对评价低的地点进行实地调研,基于环境设计预防犯罪(crime prevention through environmental design,简称CPTED)理论分析影响学生安全感的环境因素,针对相关问题提出对应的提升学生安全感的环境设计优化建议。
关键词:  公众参与地理信息系统  校园安全  安全感评价  环境设计预防犯罪  广州大学城
基金项目:亚热带建筑科学国家重点实验室2018年度立项开放课题(编号 2018ZB11);2018年度广东省科技创新战略专项资金
Research on Perceived Safety Evaluation of Guangzhou Higher Education Mega Center Environment Based on Public Participation Geographic Information System
HUANG Dengkai, WANG Guoguang*, CHEN Zhijun
South China University of Technology
The existing location-based campus environmental safety research mainly takes the objective case data as the research object, which fails to reveal the internal relationship between students' perceived safety and the environmental factors of a specific location. We conducted a location-based survey by using Maptionnaire among students in Guangzhou Higher Education Mega Center, and analyzed the level of perceived safety of students and their spatial distribution, in terms of campus traffic, accidents and crime. The findings showed that students indicated lower level of perceived safety. The most frequent markings of fearful places were mainly concentrated on green space, urban village and stadiums near campus, while students placed most of the markings with high perceived safety within the campus. After conducting the field investigation, we analyzed the environmental factors shaping perceived safety based on the principles of crime prevention through environmental design (CPTED), and proposed optimized environmental design strategies to improve perceived safety of students.
Key words:  public participation geographic information system  campus safety  perceived safety evaluation  CPTED  Guangzhou Higher Education Mega Center
HUANG Dengkai,WANG Guoguang*,CHEN Zhijun.Research on Perceived Safety Evaluation of Guangzhou Higher Education Mega Center Environment Based on Public Participation Geographic Information System[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2019, 26(12):97-102.