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王婉颖, 冯潇*
利用三维数字模型进行辅助设计、效果展示、施工指导和后期管护等已经成为风景园林行业发展趋势。植物是风景园林的关键组成要素,通过探讨园林植物三维数字模型构建与应用的必要性,以栾树(Koelreuteria paniculata)为例,利用三维植物建模软件PlantFactory对其进行三维数字模型构建探索,构建一个包含15种典型园林树种的小型三维数字模型库。最后,通过对园林植物三维数字模型在植物形态认知、植物景观设计表现和构建风景园林信息模型(LIM)3方面的应用,探索其适用性和有效性。
关键词:  风景园林  园林植物  三维数字模型  PlantFactory  植物认知  设计表现  风景园林信息模型(LIM)
基金项目:北京市重点研发计划(编号 D171100007117003)
Exploration on Modeling and Application of 3D Digital Model of Landscape Plants
WANG Wanying, FENG Xiao*
Beijing Forestry University
It has become a trend of the industry to apply the 3D digital model for aided design, effect display, construction guidance and later stage management of landscape architecture. Plants are key elements of landscape architecture. By discussing the necessity of building and applying three-dimensional digital model of landscape plants, basing on Koelreuteria paniculata as an example, using PlantFactory, a 3D Plant modeling software, to build a 3D model. On this basis, the authors constructed a small three-dimensional digital model library containing 15 typical garden tree species. Finally, this paper explores its applicability and effectiveness through the application of the 3D digital model of garden plants in the three aspects of plant morphological cognition, plant landscape design and construction of landscape information model (LIM).
Key words:  landscape architecture  landscape plants  3D model  PlantFactory  plant cognition  design representation  landscape architecture information model (LIM)
WANG Wanying,FENG Xiao*.Exploration on Modeling and Application of 3D Digital Model of Landscape Plants[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2019, 26(12):103-108.