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朱志鹏, 沈夏冰, 黄淑萍, 梁虎
植物配置是风景园林学专业的核心课程,而工科院校在植物相关方面的课程体系建设仍不尽人意。为了加强工科院校学生接纳吸收植物配置相关的知识,提高教师教学成效,改善学生植物配置设计能力,从工科院校的课程教学体系、教师团队、教学模式以及学生角度4个方面出发,分析工科院校在风景园林学学科建设上存在的问题,并提出植物配置与造景课程教学优化策略:1)增加植物基础知识相关的课程或课时;2)组办植物知识竞赛或创意小作坊等课外业余活动;3)加强校际、校企间的教学合作,增加学生实践学习经验;4)利用新兴科技产品,如无人机、Lumion软件和虚拟现实(virtual reality,简称VR)技术。通过这些优化措施以丰富教师教学手段,降低教学成本,提高学生认知和操作能力,以期弥补工科院校植物相关知识较为薄弱的现象,提高植物配置课程的教学成效。
关键词:  风景园林  新工科  园林植物  教学体系  植物造景
Research on Optimization Strategy of Plant Design Course Structure in Landscape Architecture Discipline of Engineering Colleges and Universities
ZHU Zhipeng, SHEN Xiabing, HUANG Shuping, LIANG Hu
Fujian University of Technology.
Plant design is a core course of the landscape architecture discipline, but the construction of plant-related curriculum system in engineering universities remains unsatisfactory. To improve engineering college students’ acceptance and absorption of plant design knowledge, improve teachers’ teaching effectiveness, and improve students’ plant design ability, this paper sets off from the perspectives of the course system, teachers, teaching mode and students of engineering universities to analyze the problems in landscape architecture discipline construction of engineering universities and, in accordance with the shortcomings, puts forward the teaching optimization strateies for the plant design and landscape course. 1) Increase the relevant courses or class hours of basic plant knowledge; 2) Organize extracurricular activities of plant knowledge contests or creative workshops; 3) Strengthen inter-school and school-enterprise teaching cooperation to increase students’ practical learning experience; 4) Utilize emerging technology products, such as Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UVA), Lumion software and Virtual Reality (VR) technology. These optimization measures will help enrich teachers’ teaching modes, reduce teaching costs and improve students’ cognitive and operational abilities, so as to make up for the weakness of plant-related knowledge in engineering universities and improve the teaching effect of “Plant Design” course.
Key words:  landscape architecture  new engineering  landscape plants  teaching system  plant landscape
ZHU Zhipeng,SHEN Xiabing,HUANG Shuping,LIANG Hu.Research on Optimization Strategy of Plant Design Course Structure in Landscape Architecture Discipline of Engineering Colleges and Universities[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2019, 26(S2):12-15.