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李冠衡, 李慧, 董丽
关键词:  风景园林  植物景观  城乡规划  课程改革实践
基金项目:北京市社科类项目(编号 2017ZY73);北京市共建项目(编号 2015BLUREE01);北京市科技计划项目(编号 D171100007217003,BJFU2019JY013);国家留学基金
Design of Plant Landscape Course for Urban and Rural Planning with Professional Knowledge Background——A Case Study of Beijing Forestry University
LI Guanheng, LI Hui, DONG Li
Beijing Forestry University
Landscape plant is an important content in the construction of urban ecology and regional style. They are also a basic knowledge that needs to be mastered by urban and rural planning practitioners. However, the traditional urban and rural planning teaching system has not yet had a relatively complete system setting for this module. Taking Beijing Forestry University as an example, this paper starts with the changes and practical exploration of the Urban and Rural Planning Plant Landscape course and, combining the projects and teaching experience, to continuously improve the curriculum, in order to provide assistance for the professional practice of urban and rural planning students from the perspective of plant landscape. Through the optimization of the teaching organization of the Urban and Rural Planning Plant Landscape course, students can strengthen their cognitive and application capabilities on the species types and spatial distribution, plant habitats and growth status, tree species types and cultural background, resident life and advantageous planting, historical development and urban changes and plant landscape, and achieve the transformation from classroom to practice in areas such as regional styles.
Key words:  landscape architecture  plant landscape  urban and rural planning  curriculum reform practice
LI Guanheng,LI Hui,DONG Li.Design of Plant Landscape Course for Urban and Rural Planning with Professional Knowledge Background——A Case Study of Beijing Forestry University[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2019, 26(S2):16-22.