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杨蓉, 王琼萱, 王云才
关键词:  风景园林生态教育  风景园林院校  生态课程结构  学术型硕士研究生
Characteristics and Prospects of Ecological Education for Chinese Postgraduates in Landscape Architecture Discipline
YANG Rong, WANG Qiongxuan, WANG Yuncai
Tongji University
Landscape architecture education bears the responsibility of delivering high-quality talents in the construction of ecological civilization in China. The success of ecological education in landscape architecture is an important link in the development of landscape architecture in China. To scientifically evaluate the quality of ecological education in landscape architecture, this paper selects 10 typical colleges and universities in China that offer postgraduate programs for landscape architecture. Taking their academic master’s training programs and curriculum settings over the past three years, and the construction of teaching platform over the past 10 years as the main research objects, the paper makes a comparative analysis of the course structure, content composition and the proportion of ecological direction of research projects funded by self-discipline funds of ecological education for postgraduates in landscape architecture specialty. It analyzes and summarizes the current situation, characteristics and shortcoming of ecological education in the postgraduate level of landscape architecture colleges in China, and puts forward suggestions for improving ecological education of postgraduates of landscape architecture in the country.
Key words:  ecological education of landscape architecture  landscape architecture colleges  ecological curriculum structure  academic graduate students
YANG Rong,WANG Qiongxuan,WANG Yuncai.Characteristics and Prospects of Ecological Education for Chinese Postgraduates in Landscape Architecture Discipline[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2019, 26(S2):23-28.