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赖文波, 蒋璐韩
关键词:  风景园林  职业规划  多元师资  专业硕士
基金项目:亚热带建筑科学国家重点实验室2018年度开放课题(编号 2018ZB11);华南理工大学2017年研究生学位与研究生教育改革研究项目(编号 zysk2017001)
Construction of Career Planning Course for Master of Landscape Architecture under the Diversified Teachers Background —— A Case Study of Department of Landscape Architecture of South China University of Technology
LAI Wenbo, JIANG Luhan
South China University of Technology
There is a contradiction between the complex characteristics of the landscape architecture industry and the lack of teachers. The training of professional masters needs to be optimized and upgraded. Taking the master’s degree course of “Career Planning and Career Development of Landscape Architects” of South China University of Technology as an example, the construction of the course teaching mode under the background of diversified teachers is discussed. The course revolves around the reform of teaching content and teaching methods, combining the diversified advantages and characteristics of off-campus tutors, enhancing students' professional and industry cognition, and guiding students to develop their professional cognition. The curriculum reform achieved phased results: it promoted the thinking of graduate students in landscape architecture to career planning, formed a relatively perfect curriculum teaching and training model, and established a student career development platform for school-enterprise interaction, with a view to providing new ideas for school-enterprise cooperation.
Key words:  landscape architecture  career planning  diversified teachers  professional degree
LAI Wenbo,JIANG Luhan.Construction of Career Planning Course for Master of Landscape Architecture under the Diversified Teachers Background —— A Case Study of Department of Landscape Architecture of South China University of Technology[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2019, 26(S2):62-66.