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李哲, 成玉宁
关键词:  风景园林  规划设计教学  数字技术环境  耦合教学法  课程体系
基金项目:江苏省高等教育教改立项研究课题(编号 2015JSJG003)
Reform and Practice of Landscape Planning and Design Teaching Based on Digital Technology
LI Zhe, CHENG Yuning
Southeast University
The cultivation of design innovation ability has become a core of landscape architecture planning and design teaching in the 21st century. In this context, the knowledge transmission oriented teaching mode is gradually transforming into the teaching mode of knowledge growth led by the design and scientific research. The teaching system and methods of digital landscape planning and design have become an important content of contemporary landscape education which needs to be enriched and applied urgently. The paper is based on the forefront of landscape architecture teaching and the systematic grasp of contemporary landscape architecture planning and design education. Exemplified by the teaching practice of landscape architecture department in Southeast University, it proposes the integration of digital landscape technology platform, the construction of “immersion” digital technology teaching environment, and the realization of collaborative innovation of digital platform and teaching system. In view of the limitations of traditional teaching methods, it uses the digital teaching platform to carry out innovative practice of “coupling” teaching method. In this way, the integration of empirical knowledge system can be strengthened, and the teaching mode of landscape architecture planning and design course can be explored and practiced systematically.
Key words:  landscape architecture  planning design teaching  digital technology environment  coupling teaching method  course system
LI Zhe,CHENG Yuning.Reform and Practice of Landscape Planning and Design Teaching Based on Digital Technology[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2019, 26(S2):67-71.