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吴隽宇, 陈康富
关键词:  风景园林  GIS技术  风景园林遗产保护  教学实践
基金项目:2017年度华南理工大学校级教研教改项目(编号 x2jz-Y1171620);国家自然科学基金(编号 51978274);华南理工大学2019年度“大学生创新计划(SRP)”项目
Application of GIS Technology in Teaching Case of Landscape Architecture Heritage Protection Undergraduate Course
WU Juanyu, CHEN Kangfu
South China University of Technology
The application exploration of landscape architecture heritage protection course teaching, based on geographic information system (GIS) technology, promotes interdisciplinary integration, stimulates students’ interest in learning, strengthens their ability of data analysis and processing. Meanwhile, it cultivates students’ preception of overall protection of heritage resources, and highlights the inseparable relationship between cultural heritage resources and ecological environment. Thereby, on the basis of analyzing the relationship between GIS and landscape architecture teaching, this paper discusses the application and thinking of GIS technology in the teaching of the undergraduate course of landscape architecture heritage protection. It illustrates the necessity of GIS technology application in the teaching of this course through the practical teaching case of cultural heritage corridor, and probes into the application of new technologies and methods to provide reference for the reform of the teaching course of landscape architecture heritage protection.
Key words:  landscape architecture  GIS technology  landscape architecture heritage protection  teaching practice
WU Juanyu,CHEN Kangfu.Application of GIS Technology in Teaching Case of Landscape Architecture Heritage Protection Undergraduate Course[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2019, 26(S2):72-77.