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金云峰, 陶楠
风景园林是绿色发展的重要载体,在国土空间规划变革的背景下,明确其在国土空间规划体系中的任务迫在眉睫。通过回顾国土空间规划的推进历史,总结风景园林规划对接国土空间规划体系的关键点,厘清目前风景园林的定位与职能。提出风景园林规划应有效地纳入国土空间规划体系,其内容不仅包括自然保护地规划与国家公园规划,还应发挥面向全域统筹的风景治理作用,从国土空间的空间格局开发保护、 城乡区域的统筹调适、城镇功能控制区的提升增质3个层面全面参与国土空间规划,从而构建中国特色风景园林规划体系。风景园林规划不仅顺应了国家治理的基本价值导向,而且对坚持生态文明、促进人与自然和谐共生、建设美丽国土空间、面向美好生活意义重大。
关键词:  风景园林  国土空间规划体系  美丽国土空间  自然保护地规划  风景规划  公共空间  风景治理
Research on Landscape Architecture Planning under National Territory Spatial Planning System
JIN Yunfeng, TAO Nan
Tongji University
Landscape architecture is an important carrier of green development. Under the background of national territory spatial planning reform, it is urgent to clarify its tasks and roles. By reviewing the history of national territory spatial planning, this paper sums up the key points of aligning landscape architecture planning with the national territory spatial planning system, and clarifies its current positioning and functions. It proposes that landscape architecture planning should be effectively incorporated into the national territory spatial planning system. The content should include not only nature reserve planning and national park planning, but also give full play to the role of landscape governance for overall planning. It is essential to take full part in national territory spatial planning in three layers, which are the development and protection of the national territory spatial pattern, the overall adjustment of urban and rural areas, and the promotion and improvement of urban and rural functional control areas, thus build a landscape architecture planning system with Chinese characteristics. The landscape architecture planning conforms to the basic value orientation of national governance. It is of great significance to adhere to ecological civilization, promote harmonious coexistence between man and nature, and build a beautiful living environment.
Key words:  landscape architecture  national territory spatial planning system  beautiful national territory  nature reserve areas planning  landscape planning  public space  landscape governance
JIN Yunfeng,TAO Nan.Research on Landscape Architecture Planning under National Territory Spatial Planning System[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2020, 27(1):19-24.