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张云路, 马嘉, 李雄
关键词:  风景园林  国土空间规划  城乡绿地系统规划  规划路径  规划管控  多规合一
基金项目:国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目(编号 51908034);国家重点研发计划(编号 2019YFF0303204,2019YFD1100402)
Exploration on Planning and Control Paths of Urban-Rural Green Space System for National Territory Spatial Planning in the New Era
ZHANG Yunlu, MA Jia, LI Xiong
Beijing Forestry University
National territory spatial planning marks a major change in the planning field under the background of China's development and ecological civilization construction in the new era. Green space system planning, an important support project, should fully respond to the concept of ecology priority and green development, and make reasonable changes from the perspectives of integration of multiple rules and regulations and overall planning of urban and rural areas. Guided by the national territory spatial planning in the new era, this paper explores the planning mode on how to adapt the traditional urban green space system to the needs of urban and rural green space optimization from the aspects of planning path and control. In terms of planning path, it proposes to determine the process, hierarchy, content and technology by means of the territorial space information platform. In the aspect of planning control, it proposes to echo the development requirement of “multi-plan integration” to build a control and management system of urban and rural green space with multi-public participation, multi-department cooperation and multi-channel communication. By constructing the urban-rural green space system planning path and the management mechanism scientifically and reasonably, it will support the urban-rural coordination and sustainable development of green space under the national territory spatial planning system in the new era.
Key words:  landscape architecture  national territory spatial planning  urban-rural green space system planning  planning path  planning control  multiple plans integration
ZHANG Yunlu,MA Jia,LI Xiong.Exploration on Planning and Control Paths of Urban-Rural Green Space System for National Territory Spatial Planning in the New Era[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2020, 27(1):25-29.