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吴岩1, 贺旭生2, 杨玲3
关键词:  风景园林  国土空间专项规划  蓝绿空间系统规划  绿地系统规划
Compilation Conception of City and County Level Blue-Green Space System Specialized Planning under National Territory Spatial Planning System
WU Yan1, HE Xusheng2, YANG Ling3
1.Tongji University;2.China Academy of Urban Planning & Design;3.Beijing University of Agriculture
The blue-green space system planning, one of the city and county level specialized national territory spatial planning, is an important way to conduct and implement the requirements of the overall planning, and guide the subdivisions and constructions of the blue-green space. It is a prominent highlight in the spatial planning system reform. The compilation focuses on the development zone of central urban area, including the general principles, spatial layout, land classification planning, blue-green space control planning, professional construction planning and planning implementation. It should follow the technical route of ecological priority, security priority, high quality life, high quality development and high-level governance. As a special plan, it should also explore the current situation evaluation system, the technical system of multi-element planning practice, coordination of relevant planning, planning transmission mechanism and implementation-oriented policy safeguards.
Key words:  landscape architecture  specialized national territory spatial planning  blue-green space system planning  green space system planning
WU Yan,HE Xusheng,YANG Ling.Compilation Conception of City and County Level Blue-Green Space System Specialized Planning under National Territory Spatial Planning System[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2020, 27(1):30-34.