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潘莹, 方逸真, 施瑛
粤北古驿道沿线传统聚落是古驿道“文化线路”遗产的有机组成部分,一些学者已开展沿线传统聚落的研究,但未从景观视角确立聚落中的观测指征。结合Google earth和ArcGis软件以及实地调研,对粤北古驿道中的连州丰阳—东陂古道、西京古道、梅岭古道沿线的传统聚落进行定点采样和定量分析。采用比较研究的方法研究其宏观层面的聚落高程、聚落规模,中观层面的聚落景观格局、居住地内部肌理、坑塘布局特点以及微观层面的民居平面形制。结合移民史和地方志等史料进行环境作用机制分析,得出不同层面的聚落景观差异分别受不同的主导因子影响,自然地理条件主要影响其宏观层面,民族民系与移民文化主要作用于中观、微观层面。通过对比研究,明确粤北不同古驿道沿线聚落景观资源的差异,以期为各条古驿道保护提供更有针对性的建议。
关键词:  风景园林  聚落景观  文化线路  移民史  粤北古驿道  景观形成机制
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(编号 51978275)
Comparative Study of Traditional Settlement Landscapes along Key Lines of Historical Trail in North Guangdong
PAN Ying, FANG Yizhen, SHI Ying
South China University of Technology
Traditional settlements along the historical trail in north Guangdong is an organic component of the historical trail heritage. Previous studies of the traditional settlements rarely focused on the observation indicators in the settlements from the perspective of landscape. In this paper, we sampled and quantified the traditional settlements along the Fengyang-Dongbei historical trail in Lianzhou, Xijing historical trail and Meiling historical trail that were a part of the historical trail in north Guangdong with Google earth and ArcGis. Next, we contrasted the settlement elevation and scale at the macro-level, settlement landscape pattern, internal texture of residence and pit pond layout characteristics at the medium-level and the traditional dwelling plan at the micro-level. Combining the immigration history and local history, we analyzed the environmental action mechanism on settlement landscapes. It is concluded that the difference of settlement landscapes at different levels is affected by different dominant factors. The natural geographical conditions mainly affect the macro-level, and the ethnic and immigrant cultures play a role in the medium-level and micro-level. Through comparative research, we clarified the differences in settlement landscapes along different historical trails in northern Guangdong, providing more targeted suggestions for the protection of various historical trails.
Key words:  landscape architecture  settlement landscape  cultural route  immigration history  historical trail in north Guangdong  landscape formation
PAN Ying,FANG Yizhen,SHI Ying.Comparative Study of Traditional Settlement Landscapes along Key Lines of Historical Trail in North Guangdong[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2020, 27(1):83-89.