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武静, 李梦婷
近年来,中国诸多大中城市内涝灾害频发。武汉市作为城市内涝频发的典型城市,其建成区地表高度(20.0~24.0 m)大多低于外江常年所处的洪水位高度(23.9 m),在区域性暴雨条件下,极易引发内涝灾害。武汉由于其内涝典型性,2013年被列为全国31个重点防洪城市之一,2015年被列入首批海绵城市试点城市之一。从城市内涝发生机理出发,以水文角度的小流域单元作为内涝风险区划的基本单元,利用小流域单元分析武汉市景观地形要素(地表高程、地表起伏度、地表粗糙度)与城市内涝积水密度的相关性及其影响程度,量算统计出小流域单元的内涝风险等级。基于此,提出武汉市小流域单元减灾地形调控评价。以武汉市作为城市内涝问题的研究案例,以期为武汉市内涝缓解提供新的思考路径,具有典型性和必要性。
关键词:  风景园林  城市内涝  小流域单元  景观地形  武汉市  调控评价
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(编号 51808409);湖北省自然科学基金(编号2019CFB477);中央高校基本科研业务费专项基金(编号 2042019kf0211)
Evaluation of Risk Regulation and Reduction of Small Watershed Units Based on Landscape Topography
WU Jing, LI Mengting
Wuhan University
In recent years, waterlogging disasters have frequently occurred in many large and medium-sized cities in China. The surface height of built-up areas of Wuhan City (20.0~24.0 m), a typical city with frequent waterlogging, is largely below the height of flood level of the external river (23.9 m) all year round. Under regional rainstorm, the city is highly prone to urban flooding disasters. Given Wuhan’s vulnerability to urban flooding, the National Flood-Control General Office of China listed it as one of the 31 key flood control cities in China in 2013. Wuhan was included in the first batch of pilot cities in China’s sponge city program in 2015. This paper starts with the urban waterlogging occurrence mechanism, takes small watershed units (SWUs) as basic units of waterlogging risk zoning and, with SWUs, analyzes the correlation between landscape terrain elements of Wuhan (surface elevation, relief and roughness) and urban waterlogging and water accumulation density and its levels of impact, to calculate and count the waterlogging risk levels of SWUs. Based on this, it puts forward a disaster mitigation control evaluation in Wuhan. Citing Wuhan as a case in the study of urban waterlogging, it expects to provide a new way of thinking for the mitigation of waterlogging in Wuhan, which is typical and necessary.
Key words:  landscape architecture  urban waterlogging  watershed unit  landscape topography  Wuhan City  control evaluation
WU Jing,LI Mengting.Evaluation of Risk Regulation and Reduction of Small Watershed Units Based on Landscape Topography[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2020, 27(1):110-114.