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马婕, 成玉宁
景观的空间结构组织与游人行为活动的开展以及空间使用效率密切相关。1)针对园路系统与节点系统2个结构要素,基于空间句法、ArcGIS核密度分析以及UNA 3种算法,分别从园路整合度、节点密度、时空选择度3个层面对游客时空分布特征进行预测;2)通过统计预测数据和离散度计算,对3个维度的数据进行匹配度分析,探讨景观结构设计与游人时空分布之间是否具有良好的相关性;3)结合实践方案,将测算结果对应到方案设计图中,标识出匹配度较低的区域。形成从空间结构预测人流分布情况,到匹配度分析,再将分析结果反馈设计的研究思路和方法,为具有针对性的方案调整与优化设计提供参照。
关键词:  风景园林  景观结构  人流分布预测  结构解析  匹配度  优化设计
基金项目:国家自然科学基金重点项目(编号 51838003);中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助和江苏省普通高校研究生科研创新计划资助项目(编号 KYLX16_0294)
Prediction of Pedestrian Distribution and Matching Analysis Based on Landscape Structure System
MA Jie, CHENG Yuning
Southeast University
The spatial structure characteristics of landscape are closely related to residents’ behavior characteristics and space use efficiency. Aiming at the two structural elements of garden road system and node system, this paper first makes quantitative analysis of the landscape spatial structure from three aspects, using the spatial syntax, ArcGIS core density analysis and UNA tools: integration degree of garden road, node density and space-time selectivity. Secondly, through a series of data statistics, it carries out matching analysis of the spatial structure and behavior of the original design scheme, exploring whether there is a good correlation between the structural design of landscape and the temporal and spatial distribution of visitors. Thirdly, combined with the practical scheme, it corresponds the calculation results to the scheme design drawing, identifying the regions with low matching degree. It has thus formed the research ideas and methods from spatial structure prediction of human flow distribution to matching degree analysis, and then feedbacking the analysis results to design. It provides a reference for the optimization and adjustment of targeted schemes.
Key words:  landscape architecture  landscape structure  pedestrian distribution prediction  structural analysis  matching degree  optimum design
MA Jie,CHENG Yuning.Prediction of Pedestrian Distribution and Matching Analysis Based on Landscape Structure System[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2020, 27(1):104-109.