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张玉坤, 丁潇颖, 郑婕
关键词:  风景园林  社区农园  社会资本  社会功能  发展策略  社区重建
Research on Function and Strategy of Community Gardens Based on Social Capital Theory
ZHANG Yukun, DING Xiaoying, ZHENG Jie
Tianjin University
To explore the social function mechanism of community gardens in the promotion of community reconstruction, this paper introduces the social capital perspective. Based on the semi-structured in-depth interviews and on-site observations of the key participants of community gardens, including maintainers, organizers and third-party cooperation agencies, it deeply analyzes the relationship between social capital of community gardens and community reconstruction. The research result shows that community gardens contribute to the establishment of trust, social network and norm. Specifically, the social capital generated by community gardens has the social function of activating self-governance conscience and cultivating self-governance ability. Based on the findings from the surveys and theoretical analysis, this paper proposes that the development strategies of community gardens should be aligned with the formation of social capital. Lastly, it discusses the specific strategies, namely improving top-down institutional guarantee, establishing multi-level participation mechanism, and creating multi-functional spaces.
Key words:  landscape architecture  community garden  social capital  social function  development strategy  community reconstruction
ZHANG Yukun,DING Xiaoying,ZHENG Jie.Research on Function and Strategy of Community Gardens Based on Social Capital Theory[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2020, 27(1):97-103.