摘要: |
生态文明背景下,功能主义导向的传统城市设计正逐步向生态导向的城市设计转型。北京房山云居寺文化景区城市设计实践,以生态导向的城市设计策略为基础,在充分调研基地文化与自然特征基础上,提出“隐于山水间,万般皆自然”的城市设计目标,并进一步提出严格减量发展、严格控制高度、维护山水格局、倡导覆土增绿、风貌特色引导以及混合用地指标6项城市设计策略。聚焦人在景区中的体验,在提升云居寺文化景区服务功能的同时控制景观视廊,实现了人在景中游的绿色景区营建。 |
关键词: 风景园林 生态导向 城市设计 生态城市 文化景区 云居寺 |
DOI:10.14085/j.fjyl.2020.02.0094.06 |
分类号:TU984 |
基金项目: |
Ecologically-oriented Urban Design: A Case Study of Yunju Temple Cultural Scenic Spot |
XU Quansheng1, ZHU Ying2
1.BIAD;2.Beijing Jianyuan John Martin International Architectural Design Co.,Ltd
Abstract: |
In the context of ecological civilization, the traditional functionalism-oriented urban design has been gradually transformed into ecological-oriented practice. Guided by the ecologically oriented urban design strategy and based on the full understanding of the cultural and natural characteristics of the site, the Yunju Temple Cultural Scenic Spot project of Fangshan District of Beijing proposes the urban design goal of “hidden naturally between mountains and rivers”. It further puts forward six urban design strategies: strict reduction of development, strict control of heights, maintaining landscape pattern, advocating earth-sheltered architectures and increasing green areas, guiding the space characteristics and promoting mixed land use. Focusing on tourist experience in this area, this project meets the visual needs of tourists by controlling landscape corridors while improving the service function of the scenic spot. |
Key words: landscape architecture ecologically-oriented urban design ecological city cultural scenic spot Yunju Temple |