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刘增力1, 孙乔昀2, 曹赫3, 涂翔宇1
关键词:  风景园林  整合优化  国家公园  公众参与  利益相关者  三江源国家公园  拟建青海湖国家公园
基金项目:国家社会科学基金(编号 17GBL122)
Exploration of National Park Boundary Based on Integration and Optimization of Protected Areas: A Case Study of Proposed Qinghai Lake National Park
LIU Zengli1, SUN Qiaoyun2, CAO He3, TU Xiangyu1
1.State Forestry and Grassland Administration;2.Beijing Forestry University;3.Beijing Lohas Eco-tourism Scenic Spot Planning and Design Office
National park is a type of protected areas. The delimitation is the basis of the planning and construction of national parks, and the most direct reflection of the protection and management goals. Based on the functions and management goals of national parks, this paper summarizes the experience of national parks in the pilot period. Combined with existing researches on the boundary demarcation process of protected areas, it proposes the process of scoping the national parks. Taking the Qinghai Lake Basin as the main research object, it analyzes the background of natural resources and management feasibility of the proposed Qinghai Lake National Park evaluation area. Through sorting out the status quo of the existing protected areas, and based on the integration and optimization of the protected areas, it puts forward suggestions for the scope of the proposed Qinghai Lake National Park, and provides a reasonable reference for the demarcation of newly established national parks.
Key words:  landscape architecture  integration and optimization  national park  public participation  Stakeholders  Sanjiangyuan National Park  proposed Qinghai Lake National Park
LIU Zengli,SUN Qiaoyun,CAO He,TU Xiangyu.Exploration of National Park Boundary Based on Integration and Optimization of Protected Areas: A Case Study of Proposed Qinghai Lake National Park[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2020, 27(3):29-34.