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彭婉婷, 王鑫, 吴承照
以Web of Science(WOS)核心合集数据库为数据源,采用CiteSpace、VOSviewer分析国际保护地生态系统管理研究进展,发现自1988年以来,保护地生态系统管理研究呈现3个阶段的发展特征:缓慢、波动和快速增长阶段。生态系统管理日益成为应对全球环境问题、推动实现保护目标的重要工具。生态系统管理视自然—人类—社会复合系统为一个整体,以实现保护地生态系统长期的完整性、社区居民生计可持续性和满足公众游憩需求的复合目标;重视多学科融合、共同管理、社区价值,将基于科学和价值的生态系统管理理念融入保护地规划是一大趋势,地理信息技术、计算机技术、大数据以及现代监测技术的运用是生态系统管理研究的新特征。
关键词:  风景园林  生态系统管理  保护地  国家公园  文献计量  研究热点
Research Progress on Ecosystem Management of Protected Areas Based on Bibliometrics Analysis
PENG Wanting, WANG Xin, WU Chengzhao
Tongji University
Using Web of Science (WOS) core collection database with CiteSpace and VOSviewer method, the research explored the research progress of international ecosystem management. The results show that the process has developed at three stages: slow growth, fluctuation and rapid growth since 1988. Ecosystem management has become a vital tool for solving global environmental problems and achieving conservation goals. Ecosystem management considers nature-human-society as a complex system for the multiply goal of maintaining long-term ecological integrity of protected areas (PAs), sustaining livelihood sustainability and meeting public recreation demand. Integrating multidisciplinary approach, co-management, community-value, scientific-based and valued-based perspectives into PAs planning and management has become prevailing trend in ecosystem management research, while applying geographic information technology, computer science, big data and modern monitoring technology has become new features of it.
Key words:  landscape architecture  ecosystem management  protected areas (PAs)  national park  bibliometrics  research hotspot
PENG Wanting,WANG Xin,WU Chengzhao.Research Progress on Ecosystem Management of Protected Areas Based on Bibliometrics Analysis[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2020, 27(3):35-39.