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王鹏1, 何友均1, 高楠2, 陈亚3
关键词:  风景园林  自然保护地:景观治理  空间治理  治理模式  设计介入
Practice Model of Landscape Management in Protected Areas: A Case Study of Changgou Spring National Wetland Park
WANG Peng1, HE Youjun1, GAO Nan2, CHEN Ya3
1.Chinese Academy of Forestry;2.esearch Office of Huairou District Committee of the Communist Party of China, Beijing Municipality;3.Beijing Institute of Landscape and Traditional Architectural Design and Research Co.
Landscape management is an important component of the management system of protected areas. In this paper, we take landscape management of protected areas as a special category of space management, and introduce Lefebvre’s “three-dimensional space theory”. Citing the local landscape of Changgou Spring National Wetland Park as an example, the study explores the influence mechanism of the interrelation between landscape management of protected areas and the landscape space, and puts forward four practical models of design intervention in landscape management. With its own advantages, design can adjust the contradictions and deviations of policy formulation, planning and design, system management, monitoring and evaluation.
Key words:  landscape architecture  protected areas  landscape governance  spatial governance  governance model  design intervention
WANG Peng,HE Youjun,GAO Nan,CHEN Ya.Practice Model of Landscape Management in Protected Areas: A Case Study of Changgou Spring National Wetland Park[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2020, 27(3):40-46.