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李方坷1, 何疏悦1, 王祝根2, 熊星3
关键词:  风景园林  规划设计策略  美国  国家游径  国家公园
基金项目:国家公园历史建筑保护评估规范(制定,编号 2019130004);教育部人文社会科学研究规划青年基金项目(编号 16YJCZH028,18YJCZH186,19YJC760130);江苏高校哲学社会科学研究课题一般项目(编号 2016SJD760006);江苏省高等学校自然科学研究面上项目(编号 18KJD220001)
Review of Sustainability Planning and Management of U.S. National Backcountry Trails
LI Fangke1, HE Shuyue1, WANG Zhugen2, XIONG Xing3
1.Nanjing Forestry University;2.Nanjing Tech University;3.Jiangsu Open University
By studying the planning, construction and management levels of the U.S. national backcountry trail system, this paper analyzes the standardized management mode of its system for sustainable development so as to explore the ways of backcountry trail construction in China. It focuses on the analysis of the new process mechanism of sustainable backcountry trails and the recovery strategies of abandoned or damaged trails, and describes the methods of later monitoring and sustainable maintenance. The result shows that it is necessary to speed up the formulation of national regulations and standards of the trails, strengthen ecological sustainability of the planning and design of backcountry trails, and emphasize the importance of later maintenance of completed trails and construction of related service facilities. It will provide references for the construction and development of national trails in China.
Key words:  landscape architecture  strategy of planning and design  U.S.  national trail  national park
LI Fangke,HE Shuyue,WANG Zhugen,XIONG Xing.Review of Sustainability Planning and Management of U.S. National Backcountry Trails[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2020, 27(3):69-74.