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刘淑虎1, 张兵华2, 冯曼玲1, 樊海强1
关键词:  风景园林  传统村落  风景营建  人文传统  当代启示  人文—空间
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(编号 51778145)
Analysis of Humanistic Traditions and Spatial Characteristics of Rural Landscape Construction: A Case Study of Yuezhou Village in Yongtai County, Fujian Province
LIU Shuhu1, ZHANG Binghua2, FENG Manling1, FAN Haiqiang1
1.Fuzhou University;2.Tianjing University
Taking the contemporary value exploration of Chinese landscape construction tradition as the core, this paper expounds the concept, mode and method from the perspective of “humanity-space” integration, and establishes the spacial extension, function composition and space level of the “humanity” and “space” interaction on this basis. It puts forward the inheritance strategies from the aspects of protection, planning and research, combining with the analysis of the landscape practice characteristics of Yuezhou Village in Yongtai County, Fujian Province, in order to provide a new angle for rural landscape construction. The research shows that in the ideal pursuit of “the unity of man and nature”, the ancients always regarded settlements and natural environment as a whole, and constructed the landscape level of “look around-ecology”, “near village-production”, “settlement-life” on the basis of complying with the characteristics of space activities. It thereby achieved the integration of humanistic and natural systems. Our contemporary inheritance should cross the cognitive bondage of social formation and carry forward its significance in the scientific system.
Key words:  landscape architecture  traditional village  landscape construction  humanistic tradition  contemporary enlightenment  humanity-space
LIU Shuhu,ZHANG Binghua,FENG Manling,FAN Haiqiang.Analysis of Humanistic Traditions and Spatial Characteristics of Rural Landscape Construction: A Case Study of Yuezhou Village in Yongtai County, Fujian Province[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2020, 27(3):97-102.