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高凯, 何沁遥, 张宝文
关键词:  风景园林  乡土聚落  文化景观  聚落人文自然系统  国土景观
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(编号 31600578)
Vernacular Settlements from the Perspective of Cultural Landscape: A Case Study of Yakou Village in Yunnan Province
GAO Kai, HE Qinyao, ZHANG Baowen
Kunming University of Science and Technology
Vernacular settlements are spatial units of national landscape and embodiment of the diversity and uniqueness of national landscape, with essential research significance. A typical vernacular settlement is researched from the perspective of cultural landscape in the case study of Yakou Village in Yunnan Province. The foundation of interaction between man and nature is studied from the aspects of natural environment and ethnic culture in Yakou Village. The means of interaction between man and nature are mainly researched from the aspects of agricultural production. Finally, the cultural and natural system of vernacular settlement, which is the outcome of interaction between man and nature, is studied from the aspects of landscape pattern and culture system of the vernacular settlement. It is of important reference value for the research of vernacular settlements under the framework of landscape architecture discipline system and maintaining the diversity and uniqueness of national landscape and preserving cultural diversity.
Key words:  landscape architecture  vernacular settlement  cultural landscape  cultural and natural system of settlement  national landscape
GAO Kai,HE Qinyao,ZHANG Baowen.Vernacular Settlements from the Perspective of Cultural Landscape: A Case Study of Yakou Village in Yunnan Province[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2020, 27(3):103-106.