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熊国平1, 郑璐琳2
关键词:  非物质文化遗产  民族文化景观  民族文化生态  文化生态保护区
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(编号 51578129);江苏省科技支撑计划(编号 BE2014706)
Protection Pattern Approach of Ethnic Cultural Ecological Reserves: A Case Study of Southeast of Guizhou Province
XIONG Guoping1, ZHENG Lulin2
1.Southeast University;2.University of California, Berkeley
Ethnic cultural ecology reserve is an experimental and innovative aspect of China’s overall protection of ethnic intangible cultural heritage. The key problems is how to reasonably determine the protection patterns and delineate the core protection areas, cultural routes and cultural nodes according to the quantity level, distribution density and transmission path of intangible cultural heritage. Taking the town as a unit, this research applies GIS to establish a spatial database, builds the value evaluation model of three baseline layers and twelve index layers, determines the weight, obtains the comprehensive value, puts the value score into the spatial interpolation for analysis, and clusters the analysis results. This paper analyses the inheritance and dissemination paths of intangible cultural heritage, determines cultural routes, obtains protection patterns by means of superposition, constructs the technical methods, and applies the technical methods to the planning practice of Southeast of Guizhou Province ethnic cultural ecology reserve.
Key words:  intangible cultural heritage  ethnic cultural landscape  ethnic cultural ecology  cultural ecology reserve
XIONG Guoping,ZHENG Lulin.Protection Pattern Approach of Ethnic Cultural Ecological Reserves: A Case Study of Southeast of Guizhou Province[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2020, 27(3):113-117.