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郭卫宏1, 李宾1, 张雨晴2, 刘国维1
关键词:  乡村振兴  文化线路  旅游  南平村  溉洞古道
基金项目:国家重点研发计划课题(编号 2017YFC0702505);国家自然科学基金面上项目(编号 51678239);广州市科技计划项目(编号 201804020017)
Research on Revitalization of Nanping Village on Gaidong Cultural Route
GUO Weihong1, LI Bin1, ZHANG Yuqing2, LIU Guowei1
1.South China University of Technology;2.Jilin Jianzhu University
Under the background of rural revitalization and cultural routes, this paper adopts the research methods of field investigation, questionnaire survey, on-site measurement and literature review, along with the connotation of rural revitalization and cultural routes, to construct the rural revitalization method guided by tourism development. It proposes co-development of tourism industry, improvement of human settlement environment and rural governance, coupled with the integrity and continuity of cultural routes. It focuses on the revitalization of Nanping Village on the Gaidong cultural route, analyzing of the current situation. This paper obtains the mode of the linkage development of ancient roads, ancient villages and greenways in the development of tourism industry, and demonstrates coordinated development of industrial chain on the basis of ecological agriculture. It proposes to improve human settlement environment for sustainable development on the basis of optimization and perfection of living environments, public buildings and supporting facilities with the integration of natural environment. To realize the continuity of rural revitalization, it offers to improve the overall development of rural governance and protection through self-governance and co-governance. This paper innovatively puts forward the framework of coupling development of rural revitalization and cultural routes, and studies rural revival and development of Nanping Village in combination with the characteristics of the cultural route of Gaidong historical trail. Through analysis of the effect of the revitalization of Nanping Village in recent years, it verifies the value of this study.
Key words:  rural revitalization  cultural route  tourism  Nanping Village  Gaidong historical trail
GUO Weihong,LI Bin,ZHANG Yuqing,LIU Guowei.Research on Revitalization of Nanping Village on Gaidong Cultural Route[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2020, 27(3):118-122.