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袁嘉, 杜春兰
关键词:  风景园林  城市植物景观  关键种  协同共生  生境设计  野花草甸
基金项目:国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目(编号 51808065);中央高校基本科研业务费专项(编号 2018CDXYJZ0004)
Design Framework of Collaborative Symbiosis Between Urban Plant Landscape and Keystone Species: Taking Wildflower Meadows and Pollinators as a Case Study
YUAN Jia, DU Chunlan
Chongqing University
The system stability, landscape aesthetics and ecological service function of urban plant landscape are facing severe challenges of climate change and rapid urbanization. In recent years, the researches on the conservation of keystone species of the ecosystem have provided the possibility of enhancing environmental adaptability and sustainable development for urban plant landscape. This paper analyzes the important ecological functions of keystone species for urban plant landscape, summarizes the research and application progress of keystone species at home and abroad, and puts forward the design system framework of reconstructing collaborative symbiosis between urban plant landscape and keystone species. It explores the basic requirements of the design framework of collaborative symbiosis between urban plant landscape and keystone species, including the design of environmental factors, the selection and attraction of keystone species, the selection and planting of plants, the design of nesting habitat and shelter habitat, the design of stepping stone habitat and migration corridor. It provides effective means to enhance the function of urban plant landscape by the collaborative symbiosis of “urban plant landscape and keystone species” as well as theoretical induction, design framework and application paradigm reference for collaborative symbiosis design and practical application.
Key words:  landscape architecture  urban plant landscape  keystone species  collaborative symbiosis  habitat design  wildflower meadow
YUAN Jia,DU Chunlan.Design Framework of Collaborative Symbiosis Between Urban Plant Landscape and Keystone Species: Taking Wildflower Meadows and Pollinators as a Case Study[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2020, 27(4):50-55.