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鲍梓婷1, 周剑云1, 周游2
关键词:  风景园林  乡村景观  多功能乡村  政策整合  景观特征评估  英国
基金项目:国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目(编号 51908223);广东省自然科学基金博士启动项目(编号 2017BQ021);广州市社会科学基金羊城青年学人项目(编号 2019GZQN11)
Landscape Approaches and Tools for Sustainable Development in the UK Rural Areas
BAO Ziting1, ZHOU Jianyun1, ZHOU You2
1.South China University of Technology;2.Guangxi University
The landscape concept provides a comprehensive, operational framework, method and tools for interpreting rural landscape and thinking about its multifunctional and sustainable future. From the perspective of landscape, the rural area has multiple values, involving multiple scales and stakeholders, and the management of its changes is complex. This paper focuses on the landscape paradigm shift of the rural policy, and the innovative landscape methods and tools of the UK, especially the development and application of landscape characteristics assessment. It carries out a systematic review and analysis of the needs and trends of the UK rural planning management policies, existing problems and challenges, and the exploration of new approaches. Multi-functionalism, reconstruction of landscape concept and the development of Landscape Character Assessment (LCA) have provided new ideas and methods for a broad, integrated rural landscape planning system.
Key words:  landscape architecture  rural landscape  multi-functional rural  policy integration  Landscape Character Assessment (LCA)  the UK
BAO Ziting,ZHOU Jianyun,ZHOU You.Landscape Approaches and Tools for Sustainable Development in the UK Rural Areas[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2020, 27(4):74-80.