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林琳1, 陆琦2
关键词:  风景园林  乡村空间环境  量化模拟  可持续发展  整体观  环境提升  气候适应性
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(编号 51278194)
Characteristics of Rural Spatial Form Integration Based on Energy Consumption Quantitative Simulation
LIN Lin1, LU Qi2
1.Easternshine Construction & Architecture Design Ltd;2.South China University of Technology
There are many problems in the development of contemporary rural settlements in western Guangdong. The economic and social development is still far behind that of the neighboring Pearl River Delta region. The value of the existing layout of rural settlements has not been fully recognized, the traditional construction strategies have not been borrowed and improved, and the existing resources are seriously wasted. They have resulted in many contradictions and problems in rural settlement space environments. This research starts with an analysis of the overall characteristics of the rural spatial environment in western Guangdong, interprets and analyzes the spatial forms of rural settlements. It conducts environmental simulation of the settlement model at the planning scale, and focuses on the overall interactive functions of the settlement scale. It explores the overall climate-adaptive wisdom of the shapes of the settlements, buildings, roads and village boundaries, finds out the correlation mechanism and the ways of sustainable experience transformation of the existing spatial forms, in response to the contemporary development of rural settlement problems in western Guangdong.
Key words:  landscape architecture  rural spatial environment  quantitative simulation  sustainable development  holism  environmental improvement  climate adaptability
LIN Lin,LU Qi.Characteristics of Rural Spatial Form Integration Based on Energy Consumption Quantitative Simulation[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2020, 27(4):81-86.