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(美)查尔斯·瓦尔德海姆1, 邬峻2, 张博雅1
关于日照朝向和城市形态的话题既是永恒的,又是应景的。“生态都市主义”的论述和实践将我们的注意力吸引到与水文网络和生态功能相关的主题。而阳光都市主义提议通过回到日照性能这一话题来修订和扩展当下生态都市主义的议程。在最近的项目中,许多领先的建筑师和城市主义者根据日照朝向提出了城市秩序的新形式。在许多此类项目中,设计师将城市形态与复杂而矛盾的日照性能经济联系在一起。日照朝向和社会秩序、公共卫生和政治经济学等主题是许多现代规划师及其项目面临的基本问题。随着现代规划的崩溃,基于纬度和日照公平性的城市秩序单一模型已被受市场驱动的城市化新自由主义模型所取代。笔者重返城市秩序这一古老议题,并通过一系列规划政策和先例展示其潜力。不论经纬度如何,在许多文化中,晒太阳被公认为是一项古老而不可侵犯的权利。笔者重新考虑了与社会公平相关的日照获取,继而考察了源于资本积累的建筑形态与基于环境共识的采光需求之间的矛盾关系。20世纪70年代的能源危机和经济冲击引发了建筑和城市主义的一系列实验性的、反文化的实践。当前的环境危机包括对于零碳政策的应对,并将其操作规模推广到了城市形态的尺度。拉尔夫·诺尔斯(Ralph Knowles)的“日照包络体”(solar envelope)概念提出了一种设计工具,该工具预示了当代对设计参数化和关系化建模的兴趣。包络体提供了一种预测形态,从而将城市形态与日照性能相互关联。过去10年的技术发展带来了意想不到的精确度和反馈程度,也许能为这一有着半个世纪历史的创意注入新的可能。本研究从概念及预测角度出发,分析了当代计算机几何模型对该设计模式所带来的变革。
关键词:  阳光都市主义  日照性能  日照包络体  生态都市主义  关系化城市建模
Towards a “New” Heliomorphism
(USA) Charles Waldheim1, WU Jun2, ZHANG Boya1
1.Harvard University;2.Annexum B. V.
The topic of solar orientation and urban form is both perennial and, once again, timely. The discourses and practices of “ecological urbanism” have turned our focus to the terrestrial topics of hydrological connectivity and ecological function. Heliomorphism proposes to revise and extend the ecological urbanism agenda by returning to solar performance. Recent projects of a number of leading architects and urbanists have suggested new forms of urban order through solar orientation. In many of these projects, designers correlate the shape of the city to a complex and contradictory economy of solar performance. The topics of solar orientation and social order, public health, and political economy were fundamental questions for many protagonists and projects of modern planning. In the wake of the collapse of modern planning, singular models of social urban order based on latitude and solar equity have given way to neoliberal models of market driven urbanization. The seminar returns to this archaic aspect of urban order, and presents its potentials through a range of planning policies and precedent projects. Independent of location or latitude, access to the sun is considered an ancient and inviolable right in many cultures. The seminar reconsiders solar access in relation to social equity and it examines, accordingly, the tensions that exist between built form through capital accumulation and access to sunlight through environmental consensus. The energy crisis and economic shocks of the 1970s led to experimental and counter-culture practices of architecture and urbanism. The current environmental crisis embraces zero-carbon responses and has pushed the scale of operation to the scale of urban form. Ralph Knowles’s concept of the “solar envelope” proposed a design tool that anticipates contemporary interests in parametricism and relational modeling. The envelope offered a projective form through which urban morphology was indexed to solar performance. The technological developments of the last decade have enabled an unanticipated degree of precision and feedback, potentially infusing new possibilities into an idea that has a half-century of history. The seminar considers the changes, conceptual and projective, that contemporary models of computational geometry have brought to this design model.
Key words:  heliomorphism  solar performance  solar envelope  ecological urbanism  relational urban modeling
(USA) Charles Waldheim,WU Jun,ZHANG Boya.Towards a “New” Heliomorphism[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2020, 27(5):98-104.