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林广思, 钟和丽
关键词:  通过设计之研究  设计教育  风景园林设计  学位论文  写作框架
An Exploration of Research Through Design Writing Framework of Landscape Architecture Dissertation
LIN Guangsi, ZHONG Heli
South China University of Technology
For a long time, in the training of postgraduates of design majors, teachers and students have been confused about the topic selection and writing style of dissertations. Based on the design research theory, this paper discusses how postgraduate and doctoral students in the landscape architecture discipline carry out researches through design and how to write the dissertations. By analyzing and comparing the dissertations in the Tsinghua University and Delft University of Technology, it discusses the research methods and writing frameworks suitable for landscape design. They are summarized as follows: 1) Research methods include defining design questions, proposing theoretical hypothesis, conducting design projects, verifying assumptions, conclusion and reflection; 2) The presentation of the dissertation should show all aspects of “Research through Design”, that is, introduction, design question, theory and case study, research hypothesis, design proposal, conclusion and reflection. This research provides a writing framework reference for landscape design dissertations.
Key words:  Research through Design  design education  landscape design  dissertation  writing framework
LIN Guangsi,ZHONG Heli.An Exploration of Research Through Design Writing Framework of Landscape Architecture Dissertation[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2020, 27(6):37-41.