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《红楼梦》第十七回“大观园试才题对额”通过一众人在园中的游赏、题名与品评,不只为读者呈现出园林空间的总体面貌,还探讨了园林的真意和趣味之所在。从中可知,文人是在对诸多刻板和不适当的观念的反省中,逐渐建立起“文人园”作为生命世界的意义。主要围绕4个方面讨论。1) 这一回以“题名”来写园林,这题名不是一种外在的包装,而是显现园林之意趣以及主人雅俗的重点所在;2)评判命名之“雅俗”的关键不在文化知识,也不在辞藻华美,而在于是否可以幽微之情愫和细敏之感知,亲身浸入园林的整体时空,并以最切景含蓄的文字表达出此间的真意;3)宝玉的第一处命名“曲径通幽”在整个园林的整体布局以及各处的内部布局中皆可见其构思,“曲径”不是指蜿蜒之形式,而是说在这种布置之中不觉而引身心入幽的手法;4)宝玉在“稻香村”之处同贾政的争辩中提出“天然图画”的观念,揭示了营造出的真正的“天然”景观绝不是对外部自然景观或是乡村环境的“摹写”,而是由人的时空经验对外在的“自然之势”同内在“自然之理”的整体认知。当然,这几个观念都不能说是曹雪芹独特的发现,它们同晚明的计成、张南垣、张岱、祁彪佳等人的园林思想一脉相承。祁彪佳《寓山注》中“以意造园,复以园造意”一言可谓这一回绝佳的注脚,一位高明的造园者和观赏者,一定能领会“园”不只是一个空间形态,而是一个与“意”不断相互阐发和塑造的过程。
关键词:  风景园林  《红楼梦》  园林题名  曲径通幽  天然图画  雅俗之辨
Gardening by Meaning, and Establish the Meaning by Gardening: The Essential Ideas of Literati’s Gardens Based on Chapter 17 of Dream of the Red Chamber
Peking University
The study tends to find several fundamental ideas of Literati’s garden revealed in Chapter 17 of the famous novel Dream of the Red Chamber by Cao Xueqin by close reading. First, the nomination of the scenes plays a key role in clarifying the meaning of the garden, rather than a decorative literary symbol. Second, the elegance of the scenic name indicates the revelation of the truth and existence of the viewer in garden. Third, a winding path leading to a secluded spot does not only means the serpentine curve in garden, but the secluded and then fascinated scenes as a consisting whole. Last, the idea “natural picture” disclosed the internal experience in time, rather than the simple imitation of the natural landscape or rural scene. Those ideas, which could be concluded by “gardening by meaning, and establish the meaning by gardening” from Qi Biaojia’s Notes on Yushan, rooted in the works and comments on gardens by intellectuals in the late Ming Dynasty. By the description of the bodily experience and intellectual comments on the meaning, those literary works tell a process of continuous feeling and thinking which shaped the significance of Chinese garden.
Key words:  landscape architecture  Dream of the Red Chamber  naming of gardens  a winding path leading to a secluded spot  natural picture  elegance and vulgarity
LI Xi.Gardening by Meaning, and Establish the Meaning by Gardening: The Essential Ideas of Literati’s Gardens Based on Chapter 17 of Dream of the Red Chamber[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2020, 27(6):42-47.