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(意)卢卡·玛丽亚·弗朗西斯科·法布里斯1, 李梦一欣2
关键词:  风景园林  后工业化  环境设计  后工业公园  废弃地更新
Research on Post-industrial Area Landscape Cognition and Practice Transformation from a Historical Perspective
(ITA) Luca Maria Francesco Fabris1, LI Mengyixin2
1.Politecnico di Milano;2.Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture
With the social and cultural changes, and the evolution of environmental ethics, the post-industrial areas have undergone 50 years of renewal and development. With this background, the research explores the four evolutionary processes of the worldwide post-industrial area renewal, i.e., soft, strong, structural and merging transformations in order to reveal the continuous development and improvement of post-industrial landscape connotations in terms of landscape design and practice, society and legislations, ecologies and innovations. Through the diachronic analysis, it reinterprets the epoch-making cases in the course of 50 years to uncover diversified explorations of post-industrial area renewal in landscape architecture. From the perspective of historical research, the research constructs the logic of historical phases — evolving connotations — case milestones, providing the guidance and reference for further development of current post-industrial landscape theories and practices in China.
Key words:  landscape architecture  post-industrialization  environmental design  post-industrial park  derelict area renewal
(ITA) Luca Maria Francesco Fabris,LI Mengyixin.Research on Post-industrial Area Landscape Cognition and Practice Transformation from a Historical Perspective[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2020, 27(7):8-17.