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(德)保罗·拉维茨科1, 孔洞一2
关键词:  工业遗产  混合型工业文化景观  文化景观阐释  本体性  构建性  工业文化景观要素
Interpretation of the Cultural Landscape of the Industrial Heritage in the Ruhr Area of Germany: Hybrid Industrial Cultural Landscape
(DEU) Paul Lawitzke1, KONG Dongyi2
1.leisure and recreation marketing at Regionalverband Ruhr(RVR);2.University of Bonn
Under the framework of the world cultural heritage, the definitions of “cultural landscape” “industrial landscape” and other concepts are divided into segments. It is difficult to find a perspective for the overall interpretation of the regional comprehensive industrial landscape represented by the Ruhr area of Germany. This article expands the new concept of “hybrid industrial cultural landscape” from the perspective of geography, and uses the perspectives of “ontology” and “constructivity” to provide a new perspective of interpretation of industrial cultural landscape. Through cultural landscape research methods, such as “inventories and regionalization”, the elements and structures of industrial cultural landscapes could be analyzed scientifically, in order to “reconstruct” regional structures, buildings, sites, and cultural awareness into contemporary development. Such a view can also provide innovative perspectives and methods for China’s current industrial heritage to face development issues in the context of industrial transformation.
Key words:  industrial heritage  hybrid industrial cultural landscape  cultural landscape interpretation  ontology  constructivity  elements of industrial cultural landscape
(DEU) Paul Lawitzke,KONG Dongyi.Interpretation of the Cultural Landscape of the Industrial Heritage in the Ruhr Area of Germany: Hybrid Industrial Cultural Landscape[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2020, 27(7):18-29.