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关键词:  微气候相关性  关键性微气候参数  关键性景观要素  城市公园
Microclimate Correlation Analysis of Landscape Elements in City Parks
CHEN Ruizhi
Southwest Jiaotong University
It is necessary to quantitatively analyze key climatic parameters affecting the microclimate and appropriate landscape elements improving the microclimate according to the environmental factors in the microclimate design of landscape. Taking Baihuatan Park of Chengdu City as an example, this research selects seven observation points to measure the microclimate parameters, including temperature, wind speed, relative humidity and solar irradiance, and objectively evaluates the thermal comfort of the observation points with the measured data. It further quantitatively analyzes the correlations between microclimate parameters and thermal comfort, and the correlations among microclimate parameters. The results show that in humid and hot areas, the key microclimate parameters affecting garden microclimate comfort are wind speed and solar irradiance; and water and plants are relatively more suitable landscape elements for improving high temperature and high humidity climate, and the microclimate effect of water is better than that of plants. The research contents and results provide new research ideas and technical methods for optimizing garden climate in hot and humid climate areas, and promote the construction of healthy climate in gardens.
Key words:  microclimate correlation  key microclimate parameters  key landscape elements  city park
CHEN Ruizhi.Microclimate Correlation Analysis of Landscape Elements in City Parks[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2020, 27(7):94-99.