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王爱霞1, 任光淳2, 秦亚楠1
植物群落是改善微气候的重要影响因素,是微气候变化的驱动力之一,它对微气候的形成、变化等进程的影响已成为当前研究的重要组成部分。以半干旱区城市呼和浩特成吉思汗广场中4种不同植物群落类型的样地和1块空地为试验地,进行风速、温度、湿度实测和ENVI-met软件模拟分析,以评估各样地对微气候的影响。研究结果表明:植物群落调节微气候具有明显的季节性差异,且与树木胸径、高度、郁闭度、叶面积指数有明显相关性;乔木高度、形状、胸径可直接影响微气候环境,25 m高、心形、中等胸径的落叶乔木在夏季的降温、增湿、通风作用最明显;5m高、圆柱形、小胸径的落叶乔木在春、秋、冬3季增温、增湿、降风效果最优。揭示了广场植物群落数量属性与微气候变量之间的联系,确定了关键微气候变量在各植物群落中的变化规律,此结果可为半干旱地区广场绿色空间的植物种植设计提供参考及依据。
关键词:  半干旱区  微气候  广场  树木形态  植物群落设计
Research on Influence of Tree Shape of City Squares on Microclimate in Semi-arid Areas
WANG Aixia1, REN Guangchun2, QIN Ya’nan1
1.Inner Mongolia University of Technology;2.Zhejiang A & F University
Plant communities are an important factor to improve microclimate and driving forces of microclimate change. The importance of plant communities in influencing processes, such as microclimate change and formation has become an essential component of current researches. In this study, a sample site of four different plant community types and an open space in the Genghis Khan Plaza of Hohhot, a semi-arid city, are used as test sites. The research measures wind speed, temperature and humidity data, and performes ENVI-met software simulation analysis to evaluate the impact of the test sites on the microclimate. The results indicate that the plant community shows obvious seasonality differences in their adaptive capacity for microclimate, and the microclimate has a significant correlation with the tree diameter, height, canopy density, and leaf area index. The height, shape and DBH of trees can directly affect the microclimate environment. The 25 meters tall, heart-shaped, medium DBH deciduous trees have the most obvious cooling and damp ventilation effect in summer. The 5 meters tall, cylindrical, small DBH deciduous trees are effective for increasing temperature and humidity and reducing wind speed in spring, autumn and winter. The study reveals the relationship between the quantitative attribute of phytocoenosis and microclimate variables, and determines how key microclimatic variables change with respect to plant community. This study provides a reference and basis for the construction of green space and the planting design of squares in semi-arid areas.
Key words:  semi-arid area  microclimate  square  tree shape  phytocoenosis design
WANG Aixia,REN Guangchun,QIN Ya’nan.Research on Influence of Tree Shape of City Squares on Microclimate in Semi-arid Areas[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2020, 27(7):100-107.