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钟誉嘉, 霍达, 吴丹子
关键词:  风景园林  滨河景观规划与设计  多重对应分析  河流生态修复  景观提升
Review of Chinese Urban River Regeneration Projects in the Early 21st Century
ZHONG Yujia, HUO Da, WU Danzi
Beijing Forestry University
In China, a large number of river regeneration projects have sprung up since the 1980s. They played a remarkable role in promoting city development as well as improving the urban ecological environment. This research conducts a retrospective analysis of domestic projects over the past 20 years, focusing on the role of social and economic backgrounds in promoting the river regeneration projects. It introduces the multiple correspondence analysis (MCA) model for complex variables, which expands the visions and methods of urban river regeneration researches. A total of 52 river regeneration projects are chosen to reveal the influence and corresponding relationship of various background factors through MCA. The result discloses the development trend of river regeneration projects based on the four driving forces of “city event, stormwater management, ecological restoration and landscape promotion” through the analysis of relationship of the spatial and temporal patterns and the target value cognition. It provides references and suggestions for the planning and design of domestic river regeneration projects and related projects.
Key words:  landscape architecture  riverside landscape planning and design  multiple correspondence analysis  river ecological restoration  landscape promotion
ZHONG Yujia,HUO Da,WU Danzi.Review of Chinese Urban River Regeneration Projects in the Early 21st Century[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2020, 27(8):24-28.