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袁兴中1, 贾恩睿2, 刘杨靖3, 陈松4
关键词:  风景园林  城市河流  河流生态系统修复  河流生境  生物多样性  五源河  海口市
基金项目:国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目(编号 51808065);国家科技重大专项(编号 2013ZX07104-004-05)
Return of River Life: Restoration of Urban River Ecosystem Based on Improvement of Biodiversity
YUAN Xingzhong1, JIA Enrui2, LIU Yangjing3, CHEN Song4
1.Chongqing University;2.Wetland Protection Technology Research Institute of Tianze, Beijing;3.Qianzhou Ecological Research Institute of Chongqing;4.Haikou Wetland Protection Management Center
Biodiversity is the immune system of the ecological health of rivers. It is the main goal and important task of river ecosystem restoration to restore and enhance the biodiversity of urban rivers and return life to the river. On the basis of summarizing the ecological status and biodiversity baseline before the river restoration, this paper, using Wuyuan River in Xiuying District of Haikou City as a case study, discusses the design technology and practice of ecosystem restoration of Wuyuan River, and puts forward four strategies of ecosystem restoration: 1) ecological restoration of river course—three dimensional ecological space reconstruction; 2) ecological restoration of riverbank—design of flexible ecological riparian environments; 3) river and wetland synergy—construction of river-wetland complex; 4) multi-functional habitats restoration—reconstruction of life landscape rivers. With a view to biodiversity improvement, this paper explores the innovative path and mode of urban river ecosystem restoration from the perspective of restoration of life landscape rivers. Finally, the biodiversity changes of Wuyuan River after restoration were evaluated, and the results showed that the river habitat types were diverse, the habitat quality was good, and biodiversity was improved after restoration of Wuyuan River. The practice of restoration shows that river ecological restoration based on the biodiversity improvement is more conducive to the overall conservation of river ecosystem and the optimization of river landscape quality.
Key words:  landscape architecture  urban river  river ecosystem restoration  river habitat  biodiversity  Wuyuan River  Haikou City
YUAN Xingzhong,JIA Enrui,LIU Yangjing,CHEN Song.Return of River Life: Restoration of Urban River Ecosystem Based on Improvement of Biodiversity[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2020, 27(8):29-34.