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周语夏, 刘海龙
关键词:  风景园林  自然流淌河流  美国野生与风景河流  新西兰野生与风景河流  加拿大遗产河流  澳大利亚野生河流
Comparison of Policy Tools and Effectiveness of International Free-Flowing Rivers Protection
ZHOU Yuxia, LIU Hailong
Tsinghua University
This paper summarizes and compares the free-flowing rivers protection policy tools in the United States, New Zealand, Canada and Australia for the purpose of further improving the policy system of river protection in China. Through analyzing the background, nomination procedures, management agencies, protection contents, restrictions, advantages and disadvantages in these countries, it explores the international experiences, dilemma and efficiency of the policy tools in free-flowing rivers protection. It discloses that the top-down and bottom-up management modes of the United States and Canada, as well as the mechanism of encouraging the participation of non-government organizations, communities and indigenous people, are conducive to improving the public enthusiasm for river protection. In contrast, the overly strict protection policies of New Zealand and Australia are adverse to balancing the protection and utilization of rivers’ multi-values. Finally, it proposes to investigate the free-flowing rivers in China and include them in the protected area system.
Key words:  landscape architecture  free-flowing rivers  U.S. wild and scenic river  New Zealand wild and scenic river  Canadian heritage river  Australian wild river
ZHOU Yuxia,LIU Hailong.Comparison of Policy Tools and Effectiveness of International Free-Flowing Rivers Protection[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2020, 27(8):42-48.