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马向明, 陈洋, 陈艳, 李苑溪
以分析“流域空间”“地方空间”和“流空间”三者关系的演进作为理论切入点,对改革开放以来广东省流域生态与河流健康快速恶化的问题进行剖析。对流域城乡发展过程进行回顾,指出早期传统“地方空间”与“流域空间”(space of watershed)长期耦合发展,而至改革开放后,受到全球化“流空间”支配的新型“地方空间”与“流域空间”相分离,“流空间”使珠三角社会经济与世界的联系密切,却冲击了人与流域的关系,人地关系由依附、依赖转向凌驾式利用,是造成流域与河流的自然生态环境恶化的深层原因。由此,提出从两方面推动区域空间治理的创新:1)从“地方空间”的建构方式的调整入手,优化国土空间规划“双评价”机制,把“流域分区”作为制定区域经济空间发展战略的基础性和前提性考虑因素;2)充分发挥“河湖长制”的制度作用,通过强化部门协同推动河流治理的目标从单一功能走向多元复合功能。
关键词:  风景园林  流域空间  地方空间  流空间  河流健康  区域空间治理
Innovation of Regional Spatial Governance from River Health Perspective: Reconstructing the Relationship Between “Space of Watershed” and “Space of Flows”
MA Xiangming, CHEN Yang, CHEN Yan, LI Yuanxi
Guangdong Urban & Rural Planning and Design Institute
Taking the evolutional relationship among “space of watershed”, “space of places” and “space of flows” as the theoretical foundation, this article explores the rapid deterioration of the river basin ecology and river health in Guangdong Province since the reform and opening up. Through reviewing the urban development along the river basins, it reveals the coupling development between traditional “local space” and “space of watershed” in the early stage. However, the new-type “space of places” dominated by the global “space of flows” has been separated from the “space of watershed” after the reform and opening up. In this process, the “space of flows” has strengthened the social and economic relationship between the Pearl River Delta and the world, but it has also damaged the ties between people and the river basins where they’re living. As a result, the man-land relationship has shifted from dependence to overriding utilization, which is the deep reason for the deterioration of the natural ecological environment in the river basins and rivers. Therefore, this article proposes to promote innovation in the regional spatial governance from two aspects: First, optimize the “dual evaluation” mechanism in the territory spatial planning by changing the ways of building the “space of places”, taking “watershed zoning” as the prerequisite in making a regional economic spatial development strategy. Second, take full institutional advantages of the “river and lake chief system” to promote multiple-goal river governance by strengthening departmental coordination.
Key words:  landscape architecture  space of watershed  space of places  space of flows  river health  regional spatial governance
MA Xiangming,CHEN Yang,CHEN Yan,LI Yuanxi.Innovation of Regional Spatial Governance from River Health Perspective: Reconstructing the Relationship Between “Space of Watershed” and “Space of Flows”[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2020, 27(8):49-54.