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李方正1, 王钰2
关键词:  风景园林  韧性景观  海岸地区  城市基础设施  可持续发展
Sustainable Coastal Planning and Design: Interview with Professor Elizabeth Mossop, University of Technology, Sydney, Australia
LI Fangzheng1, WANG Yu2
1.Beijing Forestry University;2.China Urban Construction Design & Research Institute Co., Ltd
Professor Elizabeth Mossop, who has engaged in landscape architecture field for nearly 25 years has participated in a number of projects, researches, teaching and practice activities related to coastal ecological restoration and urban landscape infrastructure design. She focuses mainly on coastal and delta ecological restoration and post-disaster community reconstruction. She is committed to applying the construction concept and method of resilient landscape to urban infrastructure construction and open space design. According to Professor Mossop, landscape architects should take into account various cultural backgrounds and natural conditions to design multifunctional public space, integrate social resources, promote community cultural revival and enhance the stability of the ecosystem. In addition, she believes that, in the face of global warming, natural disasters, biodiversity reduction and other crises, landscape architects should build extensive cooperation with experts and scholars in other fields as well as the general public, to actively address challenges and jointly promote social changes to achieve sustainable development.
Key words:  landscape architecture  resilient landscape  coastal areas  urban infrastructure  sustainable development
LI Fangzheng,WANG Yu.Sustainable Coastal Planning and Design: Interview with Professor Elizabeth Mossop, University of Technology, Sydney, Australia[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2020, 27(8):55-61.