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肖华斌, 刘莹, 况苑霖, 张培元
关键词:  风景园林  生态智慧  文化景观  人居环境  泉水聚落  泉水系统  浪溪河流域
基金项目:山东省自然科学基金(编号 ZR2019MEE048);山东省高等学校青创科技支持计划(编号 2020KJG004);西部绿色建筑国家重点实验室开放基金项目(编号 LSKF202018)
Regional Landscape and Ecological Wisdom of Spring Settlements in Langxi River Basin in Jinan Hongfanchi Spring Group
XIAO Huabin, LIU Ying, KUANG Yuanlin, ZHANG Peiyuan
Shandong Jianzhu University
Spring settlements have formed a unique spring system due to their geographical conditions and natural environment, which further exerts a profound impact on settlement system and environment, settlement size and shape, settlement space and textures. Hongfanchi spring group is one of the top ten spring groups in Jinan. There are many springs distributed in the Langxi River Basin with dense spring settlements. In this research, we choose four settlements, including dependent types and related types, to analyze their natural patterns and production-ecological-living spaces, settlement forms and street textures, spring systems and utilization modes, recognizing the regional landscape of the spring settlements. The research has explored the ecological wisdom behind the regional landscape of spring settlements, such as the wisdom of site selection, the integration of springs and villages, the interweaving of water streams and lanes, the contribution of public space near the springs, system connection and integration of mutual benefit. This ecological philosophy of revering nature and conforming to the environment is the essence and core of maintaining the traditional living environment of spring settlements.
Key words:  landscape architecture  ecological wisdom  cultural landscape  human settlement  spring settlement  spring system  Langxi River Basin
XIAO Huabin,LIU Ying,KUANG Yuanlin,ZHANG Peiyuan.Regional Landscape and Ecological Wisdom of Spring Settlements in Langxi River Basin in Jinan Hongfanchi Spring Group[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2020, 27(8):69-75.