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关键词:  风景园林  突发性公共卫生事件  健康城市  韧性城市  空间规划策略
基金项目:国家自然科学基金面上项目(编号 51978050);北京林业大学建设世界一流学科和特色发展引导专项(编号 2019XKJS0319)
Spatial Planning Strategies for Public Health Emergency Response under the Concepts of Health and Resilience
LI Chi
Beijing Forestry University
Public health emergencies have become an important urban issue, arousing our further thinking on how to improve the quality of urban and rural living ecological environment construction. This paper reviews the close relationship between public health and urban spatial planning layout, discusses the concepts of “healthy city” and “resilient city” in the construction of human settlement environment, and puts forward four spatial planning strategies to deal with public health emergencies: 1) Building regional redundant space and resilience response based on the overall spatial evaluation of cities and regions; 2) Establishing an open space system with urban park green space, ventilation corridor and community public space as the core; 3) Laying out medical and health facilities rationally and strengthening public health emergency preparedness and planning; 4) Improving the information and data interaction platform to build a community-based emergency management model. This paper discusses the planning strategy system to deal with public health events from the three levels of region, city and community, and focuses on the planning and management at the community level, strengthening the system of community responsibility planners to build a healthy, safe and sustainable space environment together with community residents.
Key words:  landscape architecture  public health emergencies  healthy city  resilient city  spatial planning strategy
LI Chi.Spatial Planning Strategies for Public Health Emergency Response under the Concepts of Health and Resilience[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2020, 27(8):114-119.