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刘志强, 刘俪胤, 王俊帝, 洪亘伟
关键词:  风景园林  公园绿地  配置  失调  基尼系数  离差系数  中国
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(编号 51778389);苏州科技大学风景园林学学科;江苏高校“青蓝工程”;江苏省企业研究生工作站(苏州园林设计院有限公司)
Analysis on the Relationship among Park Green Space, Urban Population and Construction Land in China
LIU Zhiqiang, LIU Liyin, WANG Jundi, HONG Genwei
Suzhou University of Science and Technology
The imbalanced development of park green space, urban population and construction land has seriously affected the quality of urban residents’ life and urban sustainable development. In this research, we adopt the Gini coefficient and dispersion coefficient to analyze the evolution characteristics of park green space, population and construction land from 1996 to 2016 at the national, regional and urban scales. The results show that: 1) The imbalanced development of park green space and population has been alleviated, and the correlation between the two is gradually increasing. The trend of coordinated development of park green space and construction land is reinforced. It is necessary to enhance the growth mode of park green space, taking people priority over land. 2) The imbalanced development of park green space, urban population and construction land has been alleviated, and the scope of coordinated development has been expanded. Six types of cities can be divided according to the imbalance level, which are sustainable development, population concentration, land concentration, trudge development, stable development and unstable development. The research reveals the dynamic relationship of park green space, population and construction land development, and provides scientific basis for optimizing resource allocation.
Key words:  landscape architecture  park green space  allocation  imbalance  Gini coefficient  dispersion coefficient  China
LIU Zhiqiang,LIU Liyin,WANG Jundi,HONG Genwei.Analysis on the Relationship among Park Green Space, Urban Population and Construction Land in China[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2020, 27(8):120-125.