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金云峰1, 李涛2, 周聪惠3, 项淑萍1
为满足当前城乡融合发展的需要,规范城市绿地规划,国标《城市绿地规划标准》即时实施。基于规划用地视角,在对《城市绿地规划标准》(GB/T 51346—2019)创新点的解读基础上,通过典型案例深入解析市域绿地系统的三大主导功能及子系统(生态保育子系统、风景游憩子系统和安全防护子系统)的规划内容和编制方法,以及城区绿地系统规划的三大主导功能及子系统(游憩型绿地子系统、防护型绿地子系统和景观型绿地子系统)的规划内容和编制方法,最后基于休闲游憩的迫切需求提出公园体系规划的分类、分级配置思路。
关键词:  风景园林  绿地系统规划  《城市绿地规划标准》  规划编制  规划方法
基金项目:住房和城乡建设部项目(编号 [ 国标 ]2009-1-79);国家自然科学基金(编号 51978480);浙江理工大学科研启动基金(编号 19082413-Y);浙江理工大学 2019 年时尚设计类人才引培基金项目
Interpretation of Green Space System Planning Compilation and Methods Under the Background of Implementation of National Standard Urban Green Space Planning Standard
JIN Yunfeng1, LI Tao2, ZHOU Conghui3, XIANG Shuping1
1.Tongji University;2.Zhejiang Sci-Tech University;3.Southeast University
In order to meet the needs of current urban-rural integration development and standardize urban green space planning, the national standard Urban Green Space Planning Standard has been put into effect. Based on the perspective of planning land use, this research interprets the innovation points of Urban Green Space Planning Standard and, with typical cases, analyzes three main functions of the urban green space system, the planning contents and preparation methods of its subsystems, and three main functions of urban green space system planning contents and preparation methods of its subsystems. Based on the urgent needs of leisure and recreation, it puts forward the classification and gradation of park system planning.
Key words:  landscape architecture  green space system planning  Urban Green Space Planning Standard  planning compilation  planning method
JIN Yunfeng,LI Tao,ZHOU Conghui,XIANG Shuping.Interpretation of Green Space System Planning Compilation and Methods Under the Background of Implementation of National Standard Urban Green Space Planning Standard[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2020, 27(10):80-84.