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沈敏1, 王沛永2, 贾海花1, 阳烨3
老旧小区海绵化改造是在国家海绵城市试点建设过程中源头治理的重点和难点。以西宁市试点区湟水花园为例,探讨在西北地区半干旱气候条件下老旧小区海绵化改造的方法和技术,实现径流控制、削峰延时、环境提升等综合目标。利用地表组织径流雨水,采用低影响开发设施调蓄雨水,并局部结合管渠排水的方式,增加了小区雨水调蓄、传输、排水能力。在3年一遇2 h降雨条件下,小区2处雨水管网排出口流量值分别降低了44.07%、50.38%,峰值时间分别延迟了5、3 min,起到了一定的削峰延迟效果;在50年一遇的降雨条件下,小区无内涝积水现象。同时,通过构建SWMM模型,以2018年全年连续降雨进行模拟,得出小区年径流总量控制率达82.5%,实现了设计目标要求;充分说明了湟水花园采用的改造方法成功有效,能够为今后西北半干旱地区老旧小区的海绵化改造提供借鉴和经验。
关键词:  风景园林  西北半干旱地区  老旧小区  海绵化改造  监测
Sponge City Reconstruction of Old Communities in Northwest China Semi-arid Areas: A Case Study of Huangshui Garden in Pilot Area of Xining City
SHEN Min1, WANG Peiyong2, JIA Haihua1, YANG Ye3
1.Xining Sponge City Construction Management Service Center;2.Beijing Forestry University;3.China Urban Construction Research Institute Co., Ltd
The sponge transformation of old communities is a key and difficult task in the source management of sponge city construction. Taking Huangshui Garden in Xining City as an example, this research discusses the methods and techniques of sponge reconstruction of old communities under the semi-arid climate condition in northwest China, to realize the comprehensive goals of runoff control, peak-clipping delay and environment improvement. The use of surface organization runoff rainwater, and low impact development facilities to regulate and store rainwater, combined with drainage pipes and canals, have increased rainwater storage, transmission, and drainage capacity. Under the condition of two-hour rainfall once in three years, the discharge value of the rainwater pipe network in two parts of the community was reduced by 44.07% and 50.38% respectively, and the peak time was delayed by 5 minutes and 3 minutes, showing a certain peak clipped delay effect. Under the condition of rainfall once in 50 years, there is no waterlogging in the community. Through the construction of the SWMM model and the simulation of annual continuous rainfall in 2018, it is concluded that the total annual runoff control rate of the community reaches 82.5%, which achieves the design target. The research fully shows that the reconstruction method of Huangshui Garden is successful and effective, providing reference and experience for the sponge reconstruction of old communities in the semi-arid areas of northwest China in the future.
Key words:  landscape architecture  northwest semi-arid area  old community  sponge city reconstruction  monitoring
SHEN Min,WANG Peiyong,JIA Haihua,YANG Ye.Sponge City Reconstruction of Old Communities in Northwest China Semi-arid Areas: A Case Study of Huangshui Garden in Pilot Area of Xining City[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2020, 27(10):85-91.