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郭茹, 王洪成
关键词:  风景园林  生活服务街道  步行活动  景观优化  街道景观
Influence of Landscape Composition Characteristics on Walking Activities in Life Service Streets and Its Optimization: A Case Study of Streets in Downtown Tianjin
GUO Ru, WANG Hongcheng
Tianjin University
A more humanized life service street landscape focusing on people’s walking activities helps to improve the daily life experience of residents in public street space under the background of urban renewal. Taking life service streets in downtown Tianjin as the objects, the research investigated the landscape composition characteristics and walking activities on the streets using semi-structured interview, field survey and snapshot as methods. Then it conducted the correlation analysis and scatter fitting analysis of the survey data to clarify the influence of street landscape space and factor indicators on different walking activity types. The results show that life service street landscape characteristic indicators, including sidewalk length, sidewalk width, nearline rate, street communication site density, store density, spatial function mixing intensity, total seat length, and pavement quality index, have diversified influences on various types of walking activities. From the aspects of street landscape space and elements, it furnishes suggestions for the optimization of life service street landscapes, which are conducive to improving the experience of walking activities. They have important value for street landscape optimization under the background of urban renewal.
Key words:  landscape architecture  life service street  walking activity  landscape optimization  street landscape
GUO Ru,WANG Hongcheng.Influence of Landscape Composition Characteristics on Walking Activities in Life Service Streets and Its Optimization: A Case Study of Streets in Downtown Tianjin[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2020, 27(10):99-105.