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艾昕, 兰亦阳, 郑曦
生态空间为城市提供所需的生态系统服务,同时也受到城市发展的影响。如何在让生态空间发挥生态价值的同时,平衡人类社会对生态系统提供服务的需求成为近年来城市生态空间规划的重点。生态系统服务可以评估生态和社会价值,顺应其间的协同关系并缓解权衡有利于进行兼顾生态和社会目标的生态空间规划。以北京市生态涵养区为例,分析关键性生态系统服务间的权衡协同关系,为不同区域分配优先保护特征,并通过低权衡、低协同和高协同3种情景,以不同灵活程度进行生态系统服务保护目标空间分配。使用Marxan with zones模型得到满足各服务保护目标的管理区划,并比较3个情景的分区结果,验证规划体系对协同权衡作用的影响。得到了3种情景下的管理区分布:低权衡情景布局偏紧凑,实现了生态系统服务间权衡最小化;从低协同到高协同情景,生态系统服务间的协同性增加;从低权衡情景到低、高协同情景,重点保护区的面积逐渐增加,生态缓冲区增加了连接性,控制发展区和集中建设区变化相对稳定,实现了生态空间多层次空间优化。最终得到的更详细的管理区划有助于指导未来生态—社会多目标生态空间规划政策的制定:即对重点保护区严格保护,加强生态缓冲区生态整治和廊道建设,以促进生态效益协同发展。在集中建设区与控制发展区引导城镇节约集约建设,减量增绿,实现社会经济绿色发展。
关键词:  生态空间区划  生态系统服务  权衡协同关系  多情景  Marxan with zones
基金项目:国家重点研发计划(编号 2019YFD11004021)
Urban Ecological Space Zoning Planning Based on Ecosystem Services Synergy Gains: A Case Study of Ecological Conservation Area of Beijing
AI Xin, LAN Yiyang, ZHENG Xi
Beijing Forestry University
Ecological space provides ecosystem services the city needs and is also affected by urban development. It has become the focus of urban ecological space planning in recent years on how to make ecological space exert its value while balancing human needs. Ecosystem services can evaluate ecological and social values. Its complying with synergies and alleviating tradeoffs are beneficial to ecological space planning achieving both ecological and social goals. Taking Beijing ecological conservation areas as example, the study selects key ecosystem services to analyze their tradeoffs and synergies to assign priority protection features to different regions. It uses Marxan with zones to obtain the spatial distribution that satisfies multiple protection targets. Under low-tradeoff, low-synergy and high-synergy scenarios, it allocates space with different flexibility and protection targets. We obtain the management zoning, compare partitioning the results and verify the impact on collaborative tradeoffs and synergies. The results show that the low-tradeoff scenario has a compact layout and minimizes tradeoffs. From low-synergy to high-synergy scenario, the synergy increases. From the low-tradeoff scenario to the two synergy scenarios, the key protected zone and the connectivity of ecological buffer gradually increases while controlled development zone and centralized construction zone change stably, which optimizes the multi-level ecological space. These detailed management divisions will help guiding the future social-ecological multi-objective space planning and policy making. In order to promote the coordinated development of ecological benefits, it is necessary to strictly protect the key protected zone and strengthen the renovation and corridor construction of the ecological buffer zone. In the centralized construction zone and controlled development zone, we should guide the urban intensive construction, and increase green space, so as to realize the social and economic green development.
Key words:  ecological space zoning planning  ecosystem services  synergy and tradeoff  multi-scenario  Marxan with zones
AI Xin,LAN Yiyang,ZHENG Xi.Urban Ecological Space Zoning Planning Based on Ecosystem Services Synergy Gains: A Case Study of Ecological Conservation Area of Beijing[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2020, 27(11):82-89.