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刘珂秀1, 马椿栋2, 陈威3, 刘滨谊2
如何在规划设计中改善风景园林小气候正在成为研究应用的重要议题。以调节新疆喀什吐曼河滨水景观夏季炎热小气候为目的,基于已有研究基础,开展了小气候环境模拟,并进行植被和水体等方案布局的热舒适性优化设计研究,探讨以风景园林面向小气候热舒适性,协同水环境和公共空间活动的滨水景观规划设计路径。通过吐曼河的水流模拟、滨水空间开阔度和城市人群分布密度分析,以及现状区域小气候风湿热物理环境和热舒适度模拟,形成设计建议支撑后续方案。提出了3个设计方案,对比测试各设计方案的风景园林小气候热舒适调节性能,以WBGT指标27 ℃以下的空间面积比例为设计优选的引导性依据。结果表明:3个方案中乔木覆盖率更高的设计其热舒适性最佳,以其为最终方案,并佐证了已有研究结论。
关键词:  风景园林  滨水景观  小气候  热舒适性  设计研究
基金项目:国家自然科学基金重点项目(编号 51338007)
Exploration of Waterfront Landscape Planning and Design for Thermal Comfort in Microclimate
LIU Kexiu1, MA Chundong2, CHEN Wei3, LIU Binyi2
1.University of Melbourne;2.Tongji University;3.Tongji Urban Planning Institute
How to improve the microclimate and thermal comfort of landscape architecture is becoming an important topic in the application of research for practical design. With an aim to regulate the summer heat and dryness of the Tuman River in Kashgar, Xinjiang, this research, based on existing researches, carries out the microclimate simulation to optimize the thermal comfort layout of design. It explores the waterfront landscape planning and design path based on the microclimate adaptability of landscape architecture, as well as hydrodynamics, big data, and visual experience. It carries out river hydrodynamic simulation, SVF calculation, thermal comfort simulation, and simulated distribution of urban population. Based on the design recommendations, it develops the overall layout into three designs. Then it compares the thermal comfort scenarios of each design, showing that the scheme with higher green coverage is the best, which takes the proportion of space area below the WBGT index 27 ℃ as the guiding basis of the design selection. It puts forward the final design and further proves the existing research conclusions.
Key words:  landscape architecture  waterfront landscape  microclimate  thermal comfort  design research
LIU Kexiu,MA Chundong,CHEN Wei,LIU Binyi.Exploration of Waterfront Landscape Planning and Design for Thermal Comfort in Microclimate[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2020, 27(11):104-109.